Expired Specimen


Living with FightJazz


Introduction to FightJazz
Damage Done

I wanna be I wanna be your puppet Contentedly Contentedly forfeit I wanna live under your thumb I want to succumb Want you to drag me through the mud I want you in my blood I wanna live I wanna live in your shadow Please please forgive Please please forgive me I don't know Any other way Your love's my life it's my decay So even though you're killing me You're all I want to see I'm not concerned 'bout damage done Just wanna have a little fun And though you always leave too soon I know your love is always true


The old haunts have all crumbled Evicted ghosts left drunk to stumble It's not like I would ever really go back But I hate to see the rubble The old friends are just memories I don't know them they don't know me I know I wouldn't really want them back But still it eats at me It's nothing short (it's nothing short) It's nothing short of heartache The dead ones haunt me every day Half forgotten faces on display I'd trade it with them if I could They'd do more than fill up ashtrays It's just the cost of getting older Time is weighing on my shoulders But what do you get for the price that's paid Ennui and a heart that's colder

No Savior

You live your life according to plan My feet are set on shifting sands Roll with the punches do all I can Not to be like you what they demand I don't need no savior I hate your behavior I won't ever be like you You get ahead because you're being led Sacrifice your life for a career I do what I choose tobacco drugs and booze Their siren song is all you hear Will you die a pawn In a game that's gone on too long Or will you stand and fight I know I'll fucking fight Turn up your nose at the way that I live I've got no fucks to give 'Cause your existence is meaningless to me A walking corpse is all I see

Casket Haste

I'd kill for a reason to kill without a reason Just declare it hunting season It's the season of wolf I've got nothing but sulfur I wanna be the darkness that engulfs her Cut me open let me bleed 'Cause the vultures need to feed And my flesh is put to waste By this fucking casket haste I'm a harlot I'm a mark receiving tricks My continued breathing makes me sick Nothing cuts quite like razorblades So let me die here in the shade Nothing cuts like razorblades Flowers wilt upon the grave The bottled angel said she'd save But she's a figment of a mind depraved

At Least for Now

I'm always walking a tightrope Between selling out and self destructing Maybe it's just how I cope Because days have a way of sucking I don't fantasize about death Nearly as often My labored breath Is starting to soften At least for now I always question all my actions Obsessive and full of fear But my feet are finding traction For the first time in years I've relearned how to take pride In being a fucking loser The mere fact I haven't died Has made me a fucking bruiser At least for now I've got nothing to give you Except my bile blood and sinew But I'm starting to think That might just be enough Because those things I thought essential Are so dumb and superficial And my spirits always sink When I chase that stupid stuff

Hell Bound Ride

Go on and place your bets The bookie's paying 10 to 1 That we're truly fucked my son Get your affairs in order So you have something to give To the cockroaches that live Ever the pessimist How does one persist Under a blood red sky It seems much easier to die The proud nail gets the hammer My muse is silent until I drown her My voice is hollow swear that it's not mine Worn out from saying the same damn thing a thousand times Stockpile your ill will It might help when the shooting starts It sure won't to have a heart Or go out and get a twelve pack To celebrate the downfall Go out on a win however small One must renew their will to fight So much easier just to give up 'Cause humanity's a fucking blight On myself and everyone I love But I don't want to witness the end Without the company of friends I plan to go down swinging with those dearest at my side Along for this hell bound ride


Hang me out to dry Beneath the putrid sky I'm so far out at sea Drowning in complacency My heart's beating Wisdom's teething Respite's fleeting Just trying not to let the hours defeat me Kill me now while I'm in bed Lest I live with all I've said Azimuth fighting the bearing A siren song or a red herring Seems now the years fly by like days But the days outlive a star's decay An endless battle in my mind We all live on borrowed time

Sons & Daughters

Your sons and daughters Are underwater I'm sorry father I bled on the alter In God we trust In boom and in bust The poor sacrifice For the rich man's delight An image so graven Boy you need some saving Bleeding them dry Don't give a fuck if they die A church of dollars and cents Tithed through the rent I don't see God I see a façade No compassion It's time for action The new bottom line Their deaths in our time There is no peace With people starving on the streets And I refuse to bow To a state where that's allowed


They used to warn you about the Lower East Side All the shit that went on at night Now everywhere I turn I'm getting side eyed By whitey and his blight 'Cause now the poor and punks are all gone Manhattan has no songs You've destroyed the very reason you came here But claim you've done nothing wrong 'Cause it's been gentrified Yeah it's been gentrified It's fucking gentrified I watched a man slit his wrist Back when I was just a kid I watched him rub the powder inside 'Cause he didn't have a rig Now I see that shit fucking everywhere Homeless masses pushed out by big tech But those with means they don't give a care The Bay is a fucking wreck This poison root's dug in so deep It feeds on us while we're asleep While we're awake it reaps our souls In this conflagration we're the coals But there are more of us than there are them Amplifying any message that we send With unity We can do right and make amends So we can take it back Yeah we can take it back We'll fucking take it back Yeah we can take it back Let's fucking take it back I wanna take it back


The mechanism by which I trust Was damaged long ago Skin thick as the planet's crust Protects me everywhere I go I'm safe but at what cost Is it worth all I've lost I've put up barricades Built walls hidden away I wanna let you in But I put it off hold it within This routine is killing me Both figurative and literally Always say I'll fix it tomorrow But tomorrow never comes Acquiescence to the status quo It's the only way that I know I know how to hide I how to fear How to drown my all struggles with beer But there's a yearning I can't sate 'Cause I'm in a prison I chose to create There's a lust deep in my bones To be more than someone that you've known I've put up barricades Built up walls hidden away I wanna let you in But I'd rather sequester and rot within

Hateful Voices

Like a million tiny insects That are swarming in my head They're all revved up and ready Pissed off and underfed Their favorite fucking meal Is any peace I might've found They'd be so overjoyed to push me Six feet underground (Hateful) hateful (Voices) voices They rattle in my brain (Hateful) hateful (Voices) voices They're driving me insane I've tried to keep them quiet With pints and pills and powder But when that shit wears off They come back even louder As an unrelenting battery That rends the fucking soul It's a goddamn understatement To say it takes its toll


Crack the first beer as I'm eating breakfast Need to calm the nerves 'cause I'm feeling restless I was buzzed by the time I saw ya All revved up to alcohol ya Barely noon and I'm wanting more So we hit up the liquor store This day ain't gonna be no bore 'Cause you know we're blacking out tonight Yeah tonight we're gonna feel alright 'Cause you know we're blacking out tonight Not gonna be a full drink left in sight Feeling pretty swimmy as the sun starts setting Haven't had enough is what I'm betting It feels like shit when you stop So we hit the gas station shop Some folks already getting puke-ey I'm feeling awful loopy If I have another drink it might do me in You look down on my hedonistic ways I don't give a fuck what you have to say You walk around like you've got a crown every day You refuse to live is what I say

Alone and Feeble

At the bottom of every bottle I'm haunted by the ghost of Civic Center Park Like an alcoholic apostle I drank away those days exploring the dark He was a savior he was a curse I don't know which of them's worse But he showed where my story ends And I'd rather my road find a bend I've watched self destruction overtake a life And I don't wanna go out that way Alone and feeble without a shred of light But it's hard to walk away At the end of every bowl I'm reminded of the decrepit rebirth A husk without a soul I ask myself what respite is really worth I'm holding onto hope But my grip is slipping Struggling to cope The clock is ticking


I'm playing with matches On a bridge that's made of straw If it catches Will we fight or will we fall Baby I'm a pyromaniac I wanna dance among the flames Let memories fade to black Forget your face and name I ain't no firefighter So the future's looking bright Just one flick of my lighter We'll burn all through the night Light it up and start anew There's beauty in the cleansing Everything that we've been through Fuels a new beginning

Corpse Seeking Necrophiliac

I was born an old man A foot in the grave too late to plan I've grown into a walking skeleton So beat up I can hardly stand I'm decaying but I'm still a little warm Between life and death I'm torn Corpse seeking necrophiliac A grave robbing nymphomaniac I've got a deathly pallor and my heart has rotted black But I'm hoping that's an aphrodisiac I'm buried six feet under A mountain of empty bottles My body's been ripped asunder But my heart's beating at full throttle Dig me up and rattle my bones Make my coffin a loving home Party all night in the catacombs And we'll get married at your funeral Just because I'm not pumping blood Doesn't mean I can't give you my love Forgo the wedding ring 'cause I've been degloved But you can still have my heart and soul

Falling Down

Every step forward turns into falling down My lack of balance brings me to the ground I swear goals are made for failure But I can't take another stagnant year I love you but I can't talk to you Because it hurts far too much And I don't know what to do 'cause when the light starts shining through It leaves me blind and outta touch Everyday I wake up empty So dizzy that I can't breathe It's so hard to know the right thing to say When you wish the world would just fade away I need space but I can't do this alone Reaping seeds of hatred sewn If I make it out alive I'll try to put away the knives And make my way back home


Fly away little angel fly away It isn't safe 'round here the cretins are out to play I've got a curse that makes me do the things I do If you'd met the devil then maybe you'd do them too This is the only life I know Swallowed up by the undertow So go ahead and just look the other way Count yourself lucky that you live above the fray Little princess don't you muddy up your gown I think you've found yourself on the wrong side of town We take no prisoners we paint the city red If you aren't careful then you might just lose your head 'Cause life gets tough when you face reality Much easier to live in superficiality But if the devil comes and takes away your crown Hit me up and we'll burn this fucker down Little monster you're perfect just how you are Self assured and so bizarre I'll meet up with you on the road less traveled Where all rules and plans find themselves unraveled


I bought a black market heart So my blood wouldn't run so cold I filled my brain up a le carte But now I feel so fucking old There's no solace playing Frankenstein 'Least it's yet to bring me any peace of mind I'm a broken down machine An amalgamation so obscene A collection of defective parts An ugly work of modern art I sacrificed my liver's soul To the Lushotologists My body taken as a whole Is too fucked for the theologists I need to cut myself apart and render out the hate Reject my self assigned destructive fate Plant a seed of whatever good is left inside Water it with all the tears I failed to cry And hope it grows